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‘Ways of Prefab-ing’

is an editorial project

of multiple formats.

‘Ways of Prefab-ing’

is a review of the

production of the

creative studio MAPA

through the notion

of prefab-ing.

Prefab-ing is a

neologism (other than 

Prefabricating) that

refers to a ‘state of

willingness’ to think

and produce based

on prefab.

‘Ways of Prefab-ing’ is an editorial project developed in collaboration between the creative studio MAPA and INST cultural project.

12 projects from MAPA are re-visited, exposing each of its 12 prefab logics through 12 different forms of communication. 12 'Ways of Prefab-ing'.

Prefab-ing neologism is a verb in gerund: it expresses the duration of the action verb.

Contrary to the term Prefabricating, Prefab-ing refers to an updatable, curious, sensitive (and passionate?) way of linking with technology and its contexts, which does not seek a single answer but the most appropriate ones.

‘Ways of Prefab-ing’ does not have a single format, but it presents multiple: informational, social media, web, printed, or exhibition. It spreads from one to another naturally, rehearsing at each time other ways of communicating architecture.
